Stovax Stockton 4 Wood Burning Stove


Available in both wood burning and multi-fuel versions, the Stovax Stockton 4 Ecodesign Plus stove is one of our most popular stoves. With its slim, vertical alignment it is ideally suited to smaller rooms and will complement a traditionally styled or contemporary interior.

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Stovax Stockton 4 Wood Burning Stove

 (please confirm delivery times before placing your order thank you)

Available in both wood burning and multi-fuel versions, the Stovax Stockton 4 Ecodesign Plus stove is one of our most popular stoves. With its slim, vertical alignment it is ideally suited to smaller rooms and will complement a traditionally styled or contemporary interior.

The Stovax Stockton 4 is also compatible with a 12mm hearth, further expanding installation options.


Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at Complete stoves on 01788 822268 – 07801506240


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Brand Stovax
Ecodesign Plus yes
High efficiency up to 80.2% (77.6% for multi-fuel)
Energy Efficiency Class A
Multi-fuel (with external riddling) yes if multifuel ordered
Woodburner yes
DEFRA Exempt for Smoke Control Areas yes
Cleanburn yes
Airwash yes
Flat top yes
Nominal heat output and range 5kW ( 2.5-7kW)
Maximum log length 7 7/8 ” (200mm)
Room vent not normally required yes
Boiler option no
Flue outlet 5” top or rear